Mision and Vision


We provide convenient medical care from qualified doctors in the privacy of your own home. Our priority is treating every being with respect and dignity safeguarding your privacy, always.


Medvisit is a caring, close and professional doctor with you, providing outstanding medical consultations whenever you need it, aided by leading edge technologies so that you always may expect the latest innovative treatments. Always with affordable prices covered by most insurance companies worldwide.


We care about you as our patient, monitoring your recovery so that you feel accompanied during the whole process. We want you to feel secure and calm, focusing only in your recovery.



I created Medvisit after working on a cruise ship in the U. S. I realized how difficult it was in Spain for foreign patients to obtain outstanding medical care in their own language from doctors with top quality credentials and without even leaving their home or hotel. No more waiting rooms for nobody, I said.


The first years were hard but soon most of the 4- and 5-stars hotels were our exclusive clients, our standard exceeded their expectations being it reflect on their guests reviews and perception of the services obtained.


Now its been thousands of consultations and by developing our own state of the art information technology our patients benefit of accurate cutting edge treatments, unhurried attention and the warmth of a helping hand that knows as well what’s being on the other side.