Technology in Schools
As you all know, technology is part of our life. We use technology in nearly everything we do. Technology is always there, whether is it our personal life or our jobs. Introducing technology in schools has always been controversial as experts have very different opinions about it. Also, there’s a lot of opposing arguments depending on the institution. In this article we’ll talk about why should or shouldn’t technology be introduced in schools. Keep reading if you want to learn more about it.
Schools without technology
If you pay attention to what the creators of technology do with their own kids, you’ll be able to discover a different reality.
Many schools put a lot of effort to introduce computers, tablets, interactive whiteboards and other technology devices in their classrooms. On the contrary, in Waldorf of Peninsula, a private school where the kids of most of the Apple, Google and other technological giants executives are educated, don’t have any screen in their classrooms until they’re in high school.
As many experts agree, creativity is something essentially human. Pierre Laurent now leads the school board, but he was a computer engineer who worked in Microsoft and Intel, above other important enterprises. He states that “If you place a screen in front of a kid you limit his motor skills, his tendency to expand and his concentration capacity”.
We must take this under consideration because there must be a reason why those who really know about technology want their kids away from it. Both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs talked about this issue in many meetings. In an interview with the New York Times in 2010, Steve Jobs claimed that he didn’t let his kids use his recently created iPad.
A study led by the Common Sense Media stated that the problem with technology and kids is the pace in which it is transformed. The fact is that technology hinders reflection and study. Moreover, statistics show how low income families use technology much more than those more wealthy. This is an important fact to consider, as it shows how although at the beginning technology was a luxury, now the luxury is being able to disconnect and avoid ending up trapped in it.
Technology in schools
As with most things in life, there are always two sides of a story. There are a lot of experts that defend technology in schools. The reason why they consider it a positive thing is that our society is technological and kids need to be prepared for this world. It is important to teach them how to use technology and to provide them all the knowledge they need. It has no sense trying to drive them away from technology as they have been breathing it since they were born and nothing can be done to change that, except trying to make them aware of its dangers.
Moreover, technology has multitude of benefits in schools as it has introduced different teaching strategies and with the new platforms, kids are able to learn while playing with something they love: technology. Also, by knowing how to use these devices, kids are able to help their own parents and this is quite interesting.
Technology is clearly a part of our reality, but if most of the families have mobile phones and electronic devices at home, do we really need to introduce computers in the classroom too? Do we need to increase an addiction that anyway seems difficult to avoid? It is obvious that they will live in a technological world, what we need to ask ourselves is what do they really need to be taught and, clearly, there’s something missing in our world, which is communication, understanding, tolerance, emotional education…
What do you think about this issue? Don’t doubt contacting us in case you need our help, we are here for you!