Alcohol is really present in our life. We see it everywhere, from dinner tables at home to bars and events. Drinking too much, whether it is on a single time or over time, can damage and cause negative changes to your organism and general health...

As you may have seen, almost everyone is wearing a mask these days. But, there's a lot of conflicting information relating when to use masks during the coronavirus pandemic. Should we always wear a mask when we go outside? Do we have to choose a...

Exercise after quarantine is here. As you may know, tomorrow in Spain will be the first day that adults will be allowed to go out in order to do sport. Most of us have been waiting for so long for this moment to come. Today,...

As you all know, technology is part of our life. We use technology in nearly everything we do. Technology is always there, whether is it our personal life or our jobs. Introducing technology in schools has always been controversial as experts have very different opinions...

Pets. Some people can't imagine a life without them and some people can't stand them for even a minute. We won't judge either of them, we'll just focus on objective facts. In this article you will learn about the healing power of pets. Health benefits of...

The World Physical Activity Day is celebrated every year on 6th April. In MedVisit we believe in the importance of practicing sport regularly, not just because we know it is beneficial for our physical health, but because it is also good both psychologically and socially,...

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? Autism is a neurological developmental condition, which means that the brain develops differently, some parts faster and some parts slower. Autistic people see, feel and connect with the world differently and that doesn't make them less valuable. Autism affects every part...

No one imagined that we would end up in this situation. We have come to believe that we are indestructible and that nothing can't really affect us. But now, we know that this isn't true. From experiencing this pandemic we can learn a lot of...