What are the vaccinations for COVID, and does being vaccinated mean you won't get the disease? Can you still infect your family? Surely you have many uncertainties about COVID-19 and vaccination. That's why our doctors in Barcelona have gathered in this article the main questions...

No one imagined that we would end up in this situation. We have come to believe that we are indestructible and that nothing can't really affect us. But now, we know that this isn't true. From experiencing this pandemic we can learn a lot of...

A new year is coming and we couldn't find a better way to celebrate it but to get a brand new webpage! We spotted the problems in our former web and came up with a re-design to create a more user-friendly and responsive web with the help of the design studio Ágora Design.

Llevar una dieta sin azúcar es una de las mejores decisiones que puedes tomar actualmente. El consumo excesivo de azúcar es extremadamente común y está ligado a múltiples enfermedades, como la obesidad, diabetes, presión arterial alta o caries. De acuerdo a la Organización Mundial de...