Cystitis or urine infection is an infection in the bladder that produces pain and discomfort. Most times, the infection is caused by a bacterium (Escherichia coli). If it's detected early and the patient follows all the doctor's treatment, the infection quickly disappears....

Smoking seriously harms your health. Health professionals, advertisements and also cigarettes boxes inform and encourage people to quit smoking. Nevertheless, 7 million people die as a consequence of tobacco every year, according to WHO. The last day of May is the “Non Tobacco Day” so,...

Spring, is the season when most of us want to spend more time outdoors, doing activities that allow us to enjoy more hours of sunshine and good weather. But on the other hand, it is the feared season for those who suffer from pollen allergy....

Barcelona wakes up in a very different way every 23rd of April. It’s Sant Jordi’s day and roses and books are the focus during this celebration. The streets become outdoor book shops, where writers present their last work and also there are flower shops everywhere....

Doctors Barcelona is always in constant evolution and this is why we facilitate booking online an english speaking house-call doctor now. Through the new platform in our website people who need a doctor at their home, apartment or hotel room can ask it online....